This full-cast production tells the spellbinding story of a sex scandal caught on videotape at a prestigious New England boarding school. The drug and alcohol-compromised participants, particularly the 14-year-old victim, portray the tension of sexual curiosity and the reality of next-day regret, making the event especially believable. Harsh but compelling scenarios of the rape are presented through the voices of multiple participants. The account is also told from several viewpoints—the parents, privileged underage students, school administrators, and a reporter. Although the novel’s beginning is graphic, the surprising truths, healing, and life transformations make the story worth continuing to the end. The choice of multiple narrators adds to the intensity of the production. G.D.W. © AudioFile 2008, Portland, Maine [Published: DECEMBER 2008]
Trade Ed. Hachette Audio 2008
CD ISBN 978-1-60024-402-5 $22.98 Four CDs
DD ISBN multiple sources
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