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by | Read by Alexandra Thomas

Mystery & Suspense • 6 hrs. • Unabridged • © 1997

Hercule Poirot appears for his final performance. Originally written by Agatha Christie in 1930 as a three-act play, BLACK COFFEE has been adapted into a novel, the first to appear in over twenty years. Again we find Hercule Poirot exercising his "little gray cells" after he is invited to a physicist's home in the English countryside, only to find him dead upon his arrival. Alexandra Thomas masterfully pilots this performance. Always in control, flawless and effective, she brings us the Belgian Poirot, the Italian spy and his reluctant accomplice; the giddy niece and suspicious nephew; and many other colorful characters. This entertaining performance should not be missed, as this novel is considered to be pure "Agatha Christie." B.J.P. ©AudioFile, Portland, Maine [Published: JUN/JUL 99]

Trade Ed. • Soundelux • 1998

CS ISBN $22.95 • Four cassettes



Trade Ed. • Soundelux • 1998

CS ISBN $22.95 • Four cassettes

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