Siblings Kate, Michael, and Emma have survived a string of increasingly miserable orphanages since being mysteriously whisked from their parents’ home 10 years ago. Now, alone in a strange home for unwanted children, they stumble upon a magical book and embark on a perplexing time-travel adventure. Jim Dale’s splendid narration provides extra vibrancy to this exhilarating new fantasy series. Dale’s portrayal of the evil witch is spine-tingling, but the listener is reassured by the avuncular wizard who provides advice to the children as they seek to undermine the witch. They encounter spunky dwarves and terrifying monsters, brought to life by Dale’s inspired reading, as they eventually discover that their love for each other, not magic, is the key to their survival. N.M.C. Winner of AudioFile Earphones Award © AudioFile 2011, Portland, Maine [Published: MAY 2011]
Trade Ed. • Listening Library • 2011
CD ISBN 9780307879769 $35.00 • Ten CDs
DD ISBN 9780307879776 $24.00
Library Ed. • Listening Library • 2011
CD ISBN 9780307879783 $35.00 • Ten CDs
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