Marty, a tomboy frog-catcher who idolizes Jane Goodall, is strikingly voiced by Cassandra Morris as the third-grader finds herself the reluctant star of the class play. Marty has no empathy for princesses, such as her nemesis Veronica Grace Smithers, who has “hair the color of a golden lab.” So Marty’s starring role in “The Frog Prince” at first bewilders and then transforms her, as she puts her own spin on it. Morris is terrific at portraying the characters—snooty girls, chummy boys, and patient adults—and her depiction of Marty’s transformation is especially elegant. Morris has the nuances and personalities of kids down pat as she shares subtle lessons about friendship and self-discovery with humor and grace. D.P.D. © AudioFile 2011, Portland, Maine [Published: APRIL 2011]
Trade Ed. Scholastic Audiobooks 2011
CD ISBN 978-0-545-32144-0 $19.99 Two CDs
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