Trade Ed. BBC Radio Collection/BBC Radio 2006
CD ISBN 978-0-7927-4703-1 $29.95 Two CDs
DD ISBN $20.35
Listeners won't find familiar passages from Grahame's classic in this dramatization. Nevertheless all should be delighted with Alan Bennet's adaptation which portrays the familiar characters of Ratty, Mole, Mr. Toad and friends. There's great music, gurglings of The River, hoots from the motorcars and the sounds of nature the characters cherish. The whole presentation will entertain devotees and initiates of all ages. The program is a great example of how, with imagination and care, a beloved story can be changed from the original text and succeed beautifully. R.F.W. ©AudioFile, Portland, Maine [Published: JUN 96]
Trade Ed. BBC Radio Collection/BBC Radio 2006
CD ISBN 978-0-7927-4703-1 $29.95 Two CDs
DD ISBN $20.35
Trade Ed. BBC Radio Collection/BBC Radio 2006
CD ISBN 978-0-7927-4703-1 $29.95 Two CDs
DD ISBN $20.35
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