Retail pak Simon & Schuster Audio 2000
CS ISBN 0743510240 $35.00 Six cassettes
Library Ed. BBC Audiobooks America 2000
CS ISBN 0-7927-2463-1 $54.95 Six cassettes
CD ISBN 0-7927-3071-2 $59.95 Five CDs
This book is more like LONESOME DOVE than its prequel or its sequel, but much shorter. We see classic post-bellum McMurtry characters struggling with bucolic conflicts and imparting their colloquial wisdoms. Will Patton lays the rural accent on so thick you can feel yourself being dragged away to the Appalachians. Each character has a different voice and accent, making a zany performance of a zany story. Grandpa talks louder than anyone else, so we are sure he is a bit deaf. The match between the story and the reader provides good fun. J.A.H. Winner of AUDIOFILE Earphones Award. © AudioFile 2001, Portland, Maine [Published: APR/MAY 01]
Retail pak Simon & Schuster Audio 2000
CS ISBN 0743510240 $35.00 Six cassettes
Library Ed. BBC Audiobooks America 2000
CS ISBN 0-7927-2463-1 $54.95 Six cassettes
CD ISBN 0-7927-3071-2 $59.95 Five CDs
Retail pak Simon & Schuster Audio 2000
CS ISBN 0743510240 $35.00 Six cassettes
Library Ed. BBC Audiobooks America 2000
CS ISBN 0-7927-2463-1 $54.95 Six cassettes
CD ISBN 0-7927-3071-2 $59.95 Five CDs
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