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by | Read by James Langton

Fiction • 8.5 hrs. • Unabridged • © 2012

When Charles Lenox, former criminal investigator, now a member of Parliament, is asked to write a speech for its opening session, he decides to escape London for his uncle’s idyllic estate in rural Plumbley. James Langton’s convincing narration brings the Victorian period and the charming English countryside into sharp focus. Langton is spot-on as he develops Lenox’s character—from his tender feelings for his wife, Jane, and his delight in his newborn daughter, Sophie, to his dealings with his protégé, John Dallington, and several seemingly senseless acts of vandalism in Plumbley. When the vandalism escalates to murder and Lenox’s uncle is kidnapped, Langton reveals Lenox to be the first-rate detective he is. Charles Finch’s sixth Lenox mystery is tightly plotted, filled with credible characters, and enhanced by Langton’s confident performance. S.J.H. © AudioFile 2013, Portland, Maine [Published: JANUARY 2013]

Trade Ed. • Dreamscape • 2012

CD ISBN 9781624061486 $59.99 • Seven CDs

MP3-CD ISBN 9781624061523 $29.99 • One MP3-CDs

DD ISBN multiple sources



Trade Ed. • Dreamscape • 2012

CD ISBN 9781624061486 $59.99 • Seven CDs

MP3-CD ISBN 9781624061523 $29.99 • One MP3-CDs

DD ISBN multiple sources

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