Connie Minor returns as protagonist in this installment of Estleman's Detroit Crime series. Twenty years past his notoriety as a Prohibition-era journalist, Minor is tapped to lead the advertising campaign that launches the infamous Ford Edsel. Attempts to sabotage the Edsel project and a murder plot keep Minor crisscrossing between the worlds of organized crime, business, and labor unions. The predictable and overly detailed plot is liberated by Garrick Hagon's narration. His command of pacing smoothes out the bumps in the prose, and his memorable character portrayals bring 1950s Detroit to life. Listeners will enjoy the tidbits of history and suspense in addition to the solid narration. Unlike the car, this Edsel is not a flop. K.C.R. © AudioFile 2013, Portland, Maine [Published: MARCH 2013]
Trade Ed. AudioGO 2012
DD ISBN 978-1-62064-037-1 $21.95
Library Ed. AudioGO 2012
CD ISBN 978-0-7927-8827-0 $59.95 Seven CDs
DD ISBN 9780792788287 $39.95
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