This installment of the Cynster family saga revolves around Mary Cynster, youngest daughter of this large extended family, and Ryder Cavanaugh, the daring and devastating Marquess of Raventhorne. Matthew Brenher warmly recounts the courtship, engagement, and upcoming wedding of this Regency couple. As the story unfolds, Laurens's trademark romantic interludes are described in steamy detail. With sensual tones, Brenher's deep voice never falters or hesitates as Ryder and Mary seduce one another on the dance floor, in the library, and other secluded places. Romance buffs will enjoy Brenher's delicious performance of this engaging story. M.B.K. © AudioFile 2013, Portland, Maine [Published: SEPTEMBER 2013]
Trade Ed. Harper Audio 2013
DD ISBN 9780062265159 $27.99
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