Narrating two short stories, Gildart Jackson deftly delivers the author’s vision of a possible future. In 1905, Kipling imagined a society in the distant twenty-first century largely under the command of an air-traffic superpower called the Aerial Board of Control. A cadre of citizens who desperately crave privacy and democracy cuts off communication with the ABC to protest. Jackson speaks smoothly with a voice that’s crisp and clear. While the primarily English male voices in the first story aren’t particularly distinguishable, each suggests a unique personality. Jackson demonstrates his real talent in the sequel, in which he switches effortlessly between a range of accents and pitches—English to American to Russian to Japanese to Italian, male to female—instantaneously from one to the next, soundly reproducing Kipling’s dark world. A.K.M. © AudioFile 2014, Portland, Maine [Published: SEPTEMBER 2014]
Trade Ed. Dreamscape 2013
CD ISBN 9781629230184 $39.99 Three CDs
MP3-CD ISBN 9781629230221 $29.99 One MP3-CDs
DD ISBN 9781629230191 $32.99
Library Ed. Dreamscape 2013
DD ISBN 9781629230207 $49.99
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