Jane Pauley, best known for her popularity as an NBC anchorwoman, candidly opens up to listeners. In a warm style reminiscent of her on-camera persona, Pauley briefly looks back at her professional success. Now, as a Baby Boomer retired from her first career, she looks at other Boomers near and far, aging folks around the world and her own friends and colleagues. Recounting their discussions on retirement, she describes what they worry about, look forward to, and plan for their futures. With her main interest being the phenomenon of finding a second act, Pauley provides a fascinating perspective on Baby Boomer dilemmas, dreams, and fervor to pave unprecedented paths in their later years. She provides a thoughtful chronicle, tracking the progress of millions of aging Boomers as they reinvent themselves. B.J.P. © AudioFile 2014, Portland, Maine [Published: JUNE 2014]
Trade Ed. Simon & Schuster Audio 2014
CD ISBN 9781442367760 $29.99 Six CDs
DD ISBN 9781442367777 $17.99
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