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by | Read by Julia Whelan, Cassandra Campbell

Fiction • 8.75 hrs. • Unabridged • © 2014

Cassandra Campbell and Julia Whelan seamlessly narrate this fun love story. Jane has just learned that she has the gift of seeing love in others. She has until her 30th birthday, one year away, to discover the six different types of love, or love will be lost to her forever. Campbell and Whelan provide smooth-voiced narrations that fully engage the listener. However, their deliveries are so similar that it’s sometimes hard to tell where one narrator leaves off and the other begins. Nonetheless, this is a smart, modern story for those who enjoy a bit of the paranormal. S.D. [Published: JANUARY 2015]

Trade Ed. • Blackstone Audio • 2014

CD ISBN 9781483026305 $34.95 • Seven CDs

DD ISBN 978-1-4830-2627-5 $19.99


Library Ed. • Blackstone Audio • 2014

CD ISBN 9781483026282 $100.00 • Seven CDs

MP3-CD ISBN 9781483026299 $29.95 • One MP3-CDs

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