The saga of ex-Special Forces soldier Jad Bell and his special-ops team continues where the first book, ALPHA, left off. In that book the team foiled the most devastating assault ever attempted on U.S. soil; now they hunt the man who planned the attack. John Glouchevitch's portrayal captures Bell's tension and resolve as he searches for a brilliant spy nicknamed "the Architect." His portrayals of male and female characters are also compelling and authentic--from Miss Sumo, who lures men in a smoky, sultry voice, to the Architect, who has set an even more devastating attack in motion. G.D.W. © AudioFile 2014, Portland, Maine [Published: SEPTEMBER 2014]
Trade Ed. Hachette Audio 2014
DD ISBN 9781478953722 $26.98
Library Ed. Dreamscape 2014
CD ISBN 9781629238005 $59.99 Seven CDs
DD ISBN 9781478931140 multiple sources
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