In this installment of the Joanna Brady mystery series, narrator Hillary Huber once again portrays the sharp-witted but softhearted sheriff of Cochise County, Arizona. Brady is saddened when a mentally disabled family friend dies in an apparent accident, but Huber projects Brady's steely professionalism as she quietly begins to suspect the possibility of murder and investigate. Meanwhile, in Massachusetts, a woman discovers that her estranged elderly mother has hidden cash in her horribly cluttered home. Huber exhibits the daughter's confusion and growing concern as terrifying events make her wonder about the money, and whether her own life is in danger. As the stories converge, Huber's clear portrayals of the two women reveal their initial distrust and eventual collaboration. N.M.C. © AudioFile 2014, Portland, Maine [Published: SEPTEMBER 2014]
Trade Ed. Harper Audio 2014
CD ISBN 9780062332332 $39.99 Ten CDs
DD ISBN 9780062332325 $24.95
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