AudioFile spoke with author Huda Fahmy and producer Iris McElroy about adapting the graphic novels HUDA F ARE YOU? and HUDA F CARES? as audiobooks.
AudioFile: What was your favorite part of adapting your graphic novels into audiobooks?
Huda Fahmy: A very little-known fact about me is ever since I watched my first “Simpsons” episode when I was 9, it’s been a secret dream of mine to voice a character. So, my favorite part was getting to sit in a studio and see this secret come to life. Getting to see all the behind-the-scenes of what it takes to create an audiobook was so cool.
AF: Which scenes were the biggest challenge to translate to audio?
HF: There are two characters we call “Shoulder Hudas” who represent two sides of her conscience. It was a little challenging to figure out how to differentiate one from the other, but the editing team did a great job!
Iris McElroy: I would agree with Huda! The “Lil Hudas” worked as her consciences throughout the book, and I wanted to be sure that it translated to audio well. I love what we came up with by having Huda give each character a different intention (a little like the shoulder devil and angel from cartoons) and pitching each one to give them their own voice. Once we figured out this piece of the puzzle, it set the tone for the rest of the adaptation.

AF: What was it like revisiting your story for your narration? And what was your experience like in the recording booth?
HF: I don’t know if other authors are the same, but every time I revisit my stories I always find the mistakes, so I found myself cringing a lot. But because this was a literal dream come true, I was so giddy in the booth. I was trying to play it chill, but in my head, I was like, “Hehehe! Look at me, an actor.” Chill was not in the room with us.
AF: The chemistry with the actors playing Huda family’s voices is great! How did you go about casting for the audiobook? Huda, did you get to talk to each other before recording?
HF: RIGHT?! They did such an amazing job!! Iris found these great actors and sent their audio portfolios, and I would listen and relisten with the pictures of my characters in front of me trying to match the voice to the character. The most important character for me to cast was Mama, and Aixa Kay nailed it. We didn’t get to talk before recording; though, that would have been pretty cool!
IM: This whole production process was a wonderful collaboration. It was important to cast as authentically as possible. First, we wanted to make sure that we found narrators of a similar cultural background. Huda and I also discussed her family—who they are, what her sisters and parents are like. Although she drew and wrote them so well that I came to the discussion with a pretty clear idea. From there, I worked with our casting department, Lucas Behrends and Ashley Kooblall, who brought some awesome new (to me) talent to the table, and then we left it up to Huda to decide. It’s wonderful to get some insight into Huda’s process in choosing! Fun fact, Aixa Kay was actually a part of Penguin Random House Audio’s (PRHA) new narrator mentorship program a few years ago!

AF: Who are you hoping the audio version will reach?
HF: One of the things I love about audiobooks, besides how fun they are, is that they make books so much more accessible specifically to people with visual impairments and learning disabilities. Whether you read with your eyes or read with your ears, you’re reading!
IM: What I related so much to with this story is Huda’s search for self and meaning. I think that’s such a universal story, especially when you’re young. I hope anyone on that journey will find these books and relate, and laugh along while listening.
AF: Huda, what drew you to writing for a teen audience?
HF: I taught middle and high school English for eight years at a private Islamic school and noticed that many of the kids were going through the same struggles I experienced at their age. So, when my agent suggested I try my hand at writing YA, I jumped at the chance. I knew immediately what I would write about. I wanted those kids to know they weren’t alone.
AF: Is there anything else you’d like to share with us about the HUDA F ARE YOU? and HUDA F CARES? audiobooks?
HF: I am so glad a graphic novel about an awkward Muslim hijabi girl with family and identity issues is touching so many hearts, and I’m so grateful that this series is being given so much love in physical and audio form!
IM: Sometimes in this work you have these productions where everything comes together and magic happens. That’s what this project felt like. Shout out to Huda for writing an amazing story, and to everyone else involved including the PRHA casting department and pre/post teams, Maureen Monterubio for directing, and Tom Croke at Tim Bader Audio for the sound design. And of course, to our amazing cast for helping bring this to life. Everyone showed up and played and the result is joyful. I’m thrilled that listeners are loving it as much as we all did!
Huda Fahmy photo courtesy of the author.
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