An ensemble of four narrators brings this gripping tale to life. The disappearance of Aurora while on a camping trip with her sister and friends remains a mystery until a body is found 30 years later. The story is told through flashbacks of the events leading to the disappearance and through the investigation following the discovery of the body. Narrator John Hoskins portrays DCI Sheens, lead detective of the investigation, perfectly suggesting a slightly world-weary copper. Joe Coen and Gytha Lodge, the author, tell the story from the viewpoint of most of the other key characters. As Aimee-Ffion Edwards delivers the viewpoint of teenage Aurora, her young-sounding voice highlights the girl's vulnerability. The mix of narrators enhances this engaging thriller. K.J.P. © AudioFile 2019, Portland, Maine [Published: APRIL 2019]
Trade Ed. Random House Audio 2019
DD ISBN 9781984841230 $22.50
Library Ed. Books on Tape 2019
DD ISBN 9781984841247 $95.00
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