In the latest installment of the Hidden Legacy series, narrated by Emily Rankin, Catalina is both Head of her House and manager of her family's magical investigative agency. When a case brings her face-to- face with her teenage crush, Catalina must struggle with her feelings for Alessandro while fighting powerful foes. The choice of a different narrator from that of the previous series titles makes sense, as this story is told from a new character's perspective. Rankin's voice is pleasant to hear, and she expressively captures the story's emotions; however, she fails to place listeners in the Houston setting. Some enunciations sound jarring, most notably Grandma Frida's plucky, unconventional flair. Overall a disappointing listen. A.L.S.M. © AudioFile 2019, Portland, Maine [Published: NOVEMBER 2019]
Trade Ed. Harper Audio 2019
DD ISBN 9780062878359 $29.99
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