This audiobook quickly evolves into an eerie thriller, thanks to the extraordinary dialogue performed with precision by Paul Sparks. The story centers on Myra Larkin, who one evening befriends a young man claiming to be Mickey Mantle. That same evening, a triple homicide occurs nearby, which affects 13-year-old Myra and the entire Larkin family for decades. Sparks is an ideal narrator. He employs subtle tones and inflections that will give listeners chills. He also excels at conveying Myra's fears, the raw emotions that engulf her siblings, the dark changes that grip her brother, and, soon, the violence that alters her whole family. D.J.S. © AudioFile 2024, Portland, Maine [Published: JUNE 2024]
Trade Ed. Hachette Audio 2024
DD ISBN 9781668626832 $31.99
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