Eighteen-year-old Saba has grown up in a post-apocalyptic civilization, a barren wasteland assaulted by sandstorms. This powerful dystopian fantasy is the first in the Dustland series, featuring Saba and her epic quest to rejoin her twin brother, Lugh, who has been abducted by the king’s men. Sounding youthful and clear, Heather Lind captures all of Saba’s moods, as well as the voice of her little sister, Emmi. Their adventures and plentiful dialogue are fast paced and often humorous. A standout character is the handsome Jack, for whom Lind finds a unique and suitable pitch. She also handles the dramatic passages with finesse as she recounts Saba’s quest in a dry, dusty world. S.C.A. © AudioFile 2011, Portland, Maine [Published: JULY 2011]
Trade Ed. Simon & Schuster Audio 2011
CD ISBN 9781442341951 $39.99 Fourteen CDs
DD ISBN 9781442341968 $23.95
Library Ed. Recorded Books 2011
CS ISBN 978-1-4618-0628-8 $102.75 Fourteen cassettes
CD ISBN 9781461806271 $108.75 Fourteen CDs
MP3-CD ISBN 978-1-4618-2009-3 $49.75 Twp MP3-CDs
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